Monday, January 30, 2006

Chris is not feeling well

We didn't let Chris go to school today. Last night when they are about to go to bed he started vomitting and done so many times during the night. No fever but he complains of having pains in his stomach. Around 5am when i heard his last call and dh went and stayed in his room. Still not well this morning as he vomitted what he has just eaten, a plain biscuits and thee.

Haven't done much stitching this weekend, so no pictures to share. I was trying to organize my stitching stuff...still not done, played games with the kids and visited MIL sunday morning.


Elizabeth Braun said...

Get well soon, Chris! Cooled peppermint tea, lots of water and no food until the pain has gone and he feels hungry. That will get rid of it!=)

Von said...

Sorry to hear Chris is sick. Definitely no food till he feels better! Sometimes my kids rush the food and vomit again :(

...back in the cold.. Holland the other day. Gonna be a while before i get back to waking up on normal hours here being at home 7 hours ahead of here. Woke ...