Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Last finishes for the month of January!!

Today, Chris feels better, no more stomach pains but still don't like to eat but drinks lot so it is fine. He wants to go to school but tomorrow is free day for them, every wednesday. Hopefully, on thursday.

These are the last finishes for this month. Work on it while watching dvd with Chris and while he's playing with his play mobiles. We did jigsaw (puzzle) after dinner, that was 200 pieces. I helped him with edges and the he finished it off. DH and i are quite surprised.


Von said...

Glad Chris is feeling better! And good that he gets an extra day to recuperate :))
Love the saying about dull women, lol!

Elizabeth Braun said...

Good to hear Chris is on the mend.=) Hey! I used to have Playmobil as well, only it was called Play People when I was little. I had the hospital set and really wanted the one with the princes and princesses!!!

Who designs that 'dull women' piece? I'd rather like that one too. Should do it for my SIL whose loves housework etc!!!

...back in the cold..

...to Holland the other day. Gonna be a while before i get back to waking up on normal hours here being at home 7 hours ahead of here. Woke ...