Sunday, April 16, 2006

Had to work unexpectedly....

We were at my MIL's place for coffee at around midday when DH's mobile rang, he taught oooooppppps, he's needed somewhere but it was my boss asking if i can help out for the evening and i said sure. So i went in at around six and wow! it was really busy in the restaurant. Not really all tourist but lots are also from the island who just want out for dinner. Oh well, we did yesterday too!!! Some was susrprised to see me as lots know i don't work during weekend anymore. It was great though to work with a couple of colleagues i don't normally work with. I can say they are happy to see me and i am glad to hear that off course.

Well, i finished this one up last night. My x'mas april sal for one of the yahoo group. This is from JCS ornaments 2004. I have quite some finishes for christmas ornaments and still till now i haven't made one up. Hopefully sooooooooooooooooooooon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now, off for me to bed as i have to work again tomorrow and much as i want to sleep in i think the kids will wake us up very early.

Thanks so much for leaving comments on my blog. I really appreciate them. Sorry, can't visit any blog tonight, hope later this week.


Anne S said...

Your ornie finish is great :) Like you, I'm starting a pile of stitching, but no ornie finishing ... I'm sure we'll get them done some time before Christmas LOL.

Von said...

A very pretty ornament, Mylene! Good work!
Glad you enjoyed your extra shift at work. :D

...back in the cold.. Holland the other day. Gonna be a while before i get back to waking up on normal hours here being at home 7 hours ahead of here. Woke ...