Saturday, April 15, 2006

A quick finished!

We went out for dinner and just came back. I am glad we had booked it earlier this week as it's really too busy. We arrived at six, quite early actually and all the tables are reserved! This is our first time to this restaurant, it's a sort of buffet restaurant where you picked or chose the things you want and then bring it to the counter and they'll cook it for you. Lots of choices, different meat cut into pieces and marinated, same as with fishes and vegetables. Really a lot i haven't taste them all. We like it and Grace too but Chris haven't tried any except some fried potatoes. Looking at the pics taken...our shirts are all kind of blue colours!

Here's a quick finished for me this week, a hardanger pin cushion. It's for a friends birthday next week. She lives here too on the island and does cross stitch but not so much as i do.


Anne S said...

Great to see photos of you and the family :) Love the little pincushion too - hardanger is so pretty :D

Von said...

Congrats on the quick hardanger finish!! It's very pretty. :D
Really nice to see your family, Mylene!

...back in the cold.. Holland the other day. Gonna be a while before i get back to waking up on normal hours here being at home 7 hours ahead of here. Woke ...