I know i have the whole year to fulfill this obligation but since we were closed at work last January and starting March will be busy till after the summer. I took my chance to complete them all. Honestly, i am not that confident with the needlecase finishing as i've only done one before that. So glad to hear, Lillie, Wanda,Elaine and Dannielle likes it. Dannielle, if you happen to read this i didn't add your blog as it's not working or do you have a new one elsewhere?
The scissor fobs started to reach their destinations, just heard from Carol R, & Chris that they got theirs, hope the rest will be receive soon.
Thanks so much for all the best wishes for Chris, he's much better now, also the coughing is getting better. He's back to eating normal again and he's looking forward to the football match this coming saturday which we thought there won't be football game as it's vacation and most where away. We were supposed to meet a friend at the mainland this saturday morning and then to a museum but with the game we have some reorganiztion with the outing but sure we are going as we haven't seen this friend for a while.