Wednesday, February 27, 2008

PIF to Wanda, Elaine & Danielle!!

I've just heard the rest of the PIF's are all been received. So here's a picture of them together. Wonder why all the same finishing?? As i can remember when i posted my message about the PIF's, Dannielle was the first who signed up and asked for a needlecase and then Elaine

followed with the same so i thought why not make all into a scissor case but then different patterns.

I know i have the whole year to fulfill this obligation but since we were closed at work last January and starting March will be busy till after the summer. I took my chance to complete them all. Honestly, i am not that confident with the needlecase finishing as i've only done one before that. So glad to hear, Lillie, Wanda,Elaine and Dannielle likes it. Dannielle, if you happen to read this i didn't add your blog as it's not working or do you have a new one elsewhere?

The scissor fobs started to reach their destinations, just heard from Carol R, & Chris that they got theirs, hope the rest will be receive soon.

Thanks so much for all the best wishes for Chris, he's much better now, also the coughing is getting better. He's back to eating normal again and he's looking forward to the football match this coming saturday which we thought there won't be football game as it's vacation and most where away. We were supposed to meet a friend at the mainland this saturday morning and then to a museum but with the game we have some reorganiztion with the outing but sure we are going as we haven't seen this friend for a while.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

PIF to Lillie Hardanger

This is a quick post as i heard a word from Lillie that she received the PIF i sent to her last week. I am actually surprise that it got her first as i know most snail mail to Asia takes longer than to the U.S. But the other three to the U.S seems haven't been receive yet. Enclosed are the pictures taken of the needle case i've made. So glad to hear Lillie likes it.

Thanks so much everyone for stopping by and leaving comments. I really appreciate them all. I won't be much online this week as it's a week school vacation of the children and poor Chris isn't well. He has been vomitting and high fever last weekend. That's atleast over now but he's coughing isn't good yet. Hopefully, he'll feel better soon as we are going away this coming weekend.

Saturday, February 23, 2008

2nd attempt.. scissor case & I'm Tagged!

Since the first one i made i wanted to try again with a not so thick fabric, i can't find an appropriate pattern to use but i hope this will do. It's a freebie i printed a while back and i don't know from where...I used DMC 815 on to 28ct cream linnen.

I have been tagged by Carol R
to name 7 weird or random facts about myself.

First, the Rules:

1 Once you are tagged, link back to the person who tagged you.
2 Post the Rules on your blog.
3 Post 7 weird or random facts about yourself on your blog.
4 Tag 7 people and link them.
5 Comment on their blog to let them know they have been tagged.

Second, 7 weird or random facts about me:

1 I love country music but don't get the chance to listen to it as the kids doesnt like it and change it to their own kind of music.

2 Sometimes before starting a book i'll sneak at the ending first.

3 I eat chips or green appels with vinegar.

4 Nearly half year now, i weigh every morning it becomes an obsession. I've lose 5 kilos and happy with it, i want or hope to keep it.

5 I am afraid of using the lift, if needed i'll wait till somebody get in. Glad we don't have it here on the island.

6 I cry easily. I won't watch drama film as i will be in tears till the ending. I'd rather read it so i can easily skip it or have a pause.

7 I cannot sew! Some can't believe it when they've seen some of my finishes.

And now the 7 bloggers i'm tagging: It's not easy as i've seen so many had done it far i haven't seen these yet or maybe i had missed it??


Thanks so much for stopping by and the encouragement with my English. I really get difficulty with it as well as my Dutch and when i called home in Asia i am lost too with our dialects.

Judith, the windmill pattern is from an older issue of Cross Stitch Crazy magazine. Let me know if you want it.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Een ruimtereis door sterrenbeeld "De Bruinvis"

At Chris school this afternoon, parents were invited to go and have a look at what the children had been working or done concerning the project "The Universe" these past weeks. Grace came too out of curiousity of her old school. There was a kind of quiz where they got a paper with only the numbers from one to ten on it. They have to find the question which were in different class and give the right answers. Both Chris and Grace joined in, we were a bit surprise Chris went on with his own and only came and asked a couple of questions. We've seen most of his classmates that their parents were the one holding the quiz paper and looking for the
questions around. He can read well now so he's proud of it and wanted to do it himself.

Both lining up for the quiz paper and that's the principal who's issuing it, so he recognize Grace.

Chris and one of his classmate showing what they've build up at their class.

A couple of pics of the classroom of Chris with his teacher and DH, infront of them them is one of Chris constructed work with legos. Wanted to take more pictures around but my card was full as i had still the ones i've taken of the PIF's gifts. Oh there was more taken though but dark or blurred!

Lately Doris awarded me with the "you make my day" . Thank you so much and your nice words too.

Now, just noticed received this award from Lillie too. Also many many thanks. I am not going to tag anyone as there are so many bloggers out there that makes my day and i cannot single out only 10.

A small pinkeep finished which will be going out shortly as a surprise gift to my niece who've been here last year and got fascinated by the windmills.

Before ending this post honestly i had difficulty with my English so please do understand the grammar and all.

Thanks so much everyone for stopping by!

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Packages sent and received!

Just notice it's nearly a week since my last post! Hmmm, days really passes by so quickly. Oh well, i did refrain myself to log on my computer as i wanted to finish/work on some projects especially the PIF's. I had a bit of trouble with the finishing but they are all done now and infact they are on their way to their destinations. Can't show any picture yet till they are receive and do hope they will like it.

The first batch of fobs were also on their way, the other three are nearly to it's completion too so hopefully they will follow before the weekend.

Received my order from Annemiek of Handwerk Boetiek and wow! I love the Blue Ribbon Designs, wish i can start it soon but i am afraid i have to work on a couple of exchanges first and try to lower down my WIP's projects on the go.

Also received this beautiful block from Sharyl for my Friendship quilt. I love it. Thanks so much, Sharyl.

Helen, here's the link of thefreebie. It was actually finished it off into a biscornu but i had stitched it on a higher count and i find it too big for a biscornu.

Debra, you can have a look at Linda's Tutorial.
She did a great job with it. Very neat and clear pictures to follow. Thanks so much, Linda for sharing the scissor-case tutorial.

Took this picture last sunday during our visit at MIL's place. Sometimes Chris can't play or do something alone like that morning so try to find a way to get an attention but i like this picture of father and son.

Thanks so much everyone for stopping by and leaving comments, also the positive reactions about the button i had used.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

scissor case

Happy Valentines Day! I hope everyone will have a wonderful Day!

Finished this heart freebie one night with WDW on to 28ct linnen. Seen a scissor case in one of the blogs lately, thought i will try it with this one. I do love it how it turned out, just a bit trouble with the fabric as the one i had used was quite a thick one.

I know the button i used is too big for this but i dont have much choices with what i have here and i can't wait to finished it off. I cannot easily go to town so be it with this.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Now i am in trouble...!! en LHN update

There are 7 out of 10 who had left comments with my last post who wanted to join the draw for the fobs. Now, i find it difficult to make a draw to send these fob out....i made a decision to make three more, but these four will be send out immediately to the first who had commented to join in the draw: Dawn, Judy, Chris & Deanne. For the next 3 will be send out later.
I have Dawn's address, could the others send me your snail mail address to:

Thanks so much for all the kind comments.

Karan, i like and enjoy making things so i have to learned to part things out or else they'll just be in boxes around here. Though honestly i still have with regards to my card making, i have one box full of what i've made which i can't part with and now that i stopped making them these will stay as my remembrance.

Shari, i've been off work or rather we were closed last month and just opened up beginning of february, it is not that busy yet so i am taking my chance and doing some stitching, might not be for long anymore as easter is coming soon. Quite early this year and if weather stays good, i'll be busy outside even if i am not a gardener i have to tend the small garden we have!

An update of LHN "Stitcher Prayers"! And again the last for a while as i don't have the DMC 3866 and i also run out of the green ones too.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Valentine fobs giveaways!!!

I enjoyed stitching small items as they are quite quick to finish and when i've completed the valentine scissor fob exchange and do really love those tiny patterns that i've stitched a couple more

and also done a couple of the mini biscornu. I do like making these projects in between stitching the bigger ones and much as i love them all i'd rather not keep them or else they'll be put away in a box.

I don't have a craft room for myself to

display whatever i want, though we have a playroom but it's full of kids stuff. Hopefully someday, as we are still planning for a big renovation on this house.

Thought to give these ones away, if there are more than four who wants it i'll just make a draw by tuesday so i can drop them off to the post office before the end of the week. Can't go the first two days as i have to go to work.

So for anyone who is interested just leave comment here.

Saturday, February 09, 2008

LHN design

I've finished stitching my february christmas ornament but not sure yet how to finish it off. The woodland snowfall from JCS 2004. Used DMC colours on 32ct light blue linnen.

Taken a couple of pictures of Chris football game this morning. It was such a sunny day today so i took my camera with me, ussually it was dark just like last weekend,

it was on and off rain so we had expected it would be cancelled. They had played and won the game. Afterwards, we heard that they were the only one who hasn't cancelled the game the rest of the competitions of other groups for that saturday has been cancelled.

They didn't won the game today though..3-2 but they played good and done their best.

After the game and had a cup of coffee, one of the mother's whom i ussually goes out for a walk once a week asked if i will walk back home instead. The fathers took the kids home and we've walked which took us one and a half hour, not much but it was midday and the others back home needed lunch. DH wanted to go out as well for a walk so after lunch we took off for an hour as we expected visitors who has called this morning if we are home in the afternoon so we said yes at around 3:30pm. We were late of 5 minutes but the door is open as the kids are playing football at the playground nearby, our visitors were already sitting in our living room when we came in. They are our nearby neighbours so we know each other quite well.

Yesterday was a sunny day too, but the morning was started by a family member who came by and had a cup of coffee, after lunch we took off to get some groceries and thought to go out for a walk when we get back but coming back home, a friend came by for a chat so the day's over and haven't done much at all.

Anyway, hope everyone are having a great weekend!

Thursday, February 07, 2008

Hooked on Exchanging

I am happy to hear it has finally arrived! It nearly took three weeks to Florida from Holland, so i was really worried i thought it was lost. So glad i was able to send it out long before the due date or else my partner wouldn't be happy waiting for it.

Glad to hear Hannah like the scissor fob i made. I've seen most LHN designs on her wishlist so thought she would like this design which is part of the LHN 'Stitchers prayer'.
I only have this picture, i forgot to take more before sending the little package so you can have a look on the blog group Hooked on Exchanging
for a couple more.

Hardanger updates!

Not much to share on the stitching front though i did work on some different projects but it's not enough to show an update. The problem is whenever i encounter that i miss one thread needed for a certain project i just set aside and pick another project, that is why i have lots on the go. Atleast most are all smalls.

Here's my progress with these two hardanger, the cuttings were done and glad it went well without a mistake. Honestly, i've encountered cutting the wrong thread before and it was quite a big piece but can't be repaired so i am a bit nervous when cutting the fabric.

Thanks so much for stopping by and all the nice comments.

Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Valentijns Scissor Fob Exchange

I've joined 3 different scissor fob exchange last month and i am still waiting to hear of the first that was sent more than 2 weeks now...i am really worried of it now!

The second scissor fob exchange of yahoo group Borduurpaleis which i had sent yesterday to Mireille has already received today. I took the picture you had placed on the group,

Mireille. The front picture i took was blurred also the back side but i'll add it here anyway. Glad to hear you like it.
Took the design from Cross Stitch Crazy magazine 2003.

I also received my fob of the same group from Pascale all the way from Belgium. Thanks so much for this lovely fob and the extra's.

The third fob, just received who my partner is and mailing date is next month. So no rush with it yet.

Sunday, February 03, 2008

I am an illiterate when it comes to ......

....solving problems i encounter with the computer! For days now i am trying to update my hardanger Startpagina and always end up with an error so i just closed and thought to try it another time but it goes on for days until i received a warning so i cannot put it off any longer. I finally asked DH to help out and he found out quite quickly..oh though with a couple of bad words! As there was some changes i didn't follow through last year. hmmm.... my lessons to be more alert!
With all that, it means it has lessen my time for stitching as well as catching on blogs and groups! And works starts for me tomorrow so it's not much to show off.

I've worked a bit of these two for the ILCS blocks and did finished a scissor

fob for a Valentines scissor fob exchange on one of the yahoo groups here in Holland but can't show the picture yet.

That reminds me of the scissor fob i sent for the Hooked on Exchanging nearly two weeks now and still waiting if it has arrive or not. It does worries me now!

Received this block from Betty of ILCS for my friendship quilt. I LOVE it. Thanks so much, Betty!

Now i am off to try and catch up on the groups and blogs before turning in, if i haven't comment to all please bare with me i will do it this coming days.

Before turning off here, our weekend was spent going to birthdays. Yesterday, after Chris football we've been to the mainland for a friends b-day and today to another friend's b-day here on the island. I think one more birthday for this month and then March is more hectic with b-days!!

Thanks so much for stopping by and hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!

...back in the cold.. Holland the other day. Gonna be a while before i get back to waking up on normal hours here being at home 7 hours ahead of here. Woke ...