Thursday, February 21, 2008

Een ruimtereis door sterrenbeeld "De Bruinvis"

At Chris school this afternoon, parents were invited to go and have a look at what the children had been working or done concerning the project "The Universe" these past weeks. Grace came too out of curiousity of her old school. There was a kind of quiz where they got a paper with only the numbers from one to ten on it. They have to find the question which were in different class and give the right answers. Both Chris and Grace joined in, we were a bit surprise Chris went on with his own and only came and asked a couple of questions. We've seen most of his classmates that their parents were the one holding the quiz paper and looking for the
questions around. He can read well now so he's proud of it and wanted to do it himself.

Both lining up for the quiz paper and that's the principal who's issuing it, so he recognize Grace.

Chris and one of his classmate showing what they've build up at their class.

A couple of pics of the classroom of Chris with his teacher and DH, infront of them them is one of Chris constructed work with legos. Wanted to take more pictures around but my card was full as i had still the ones i've taken of the PIF's gifts. Oh there was more taken though but dark or blurred!

Lately Doris awarded me with the "you make my day" . Thank you so much and your nice words too.

Now, just noticed received this award from Lillie too. Also many many thanks. I am not going to tag anyone as there are so many bloggers out there that makes my day and i cannot single out only 10.

A small pinkeep finished which will be going out shortly as a surprise gift to my niece who've been here last year and got fascinated by the windmills.

Before ending this post honestly i had difficulty with my English so please do understand the grammar and all.

Thanks so much everyone for stopping by!


Lillie said...

Looks like it's a fun day at school for both Chris and Grace.


mainely stitching said...

I think it's great you post in English, Mylene! If I had to post in Dutch, you can bet I'd be online a LOT less often! LOL!

Great pics of Chris' school event! :D

Carmen said...

the kid enjoy it a lot this kind of events,show to their parents the classwork, they feel proud,and of course the parents to :D

Sally said...

Love the pics from Chris' school. It looks like he enjoyed himself.

Your pinkeep is lovely.

Julie said...

The kids look like they have been very busy at school.

Great pinkeep

Thank for visiting my blog Mylene, i'll add you to my blog reading if i may

Judith said...

Love the pinkeep.
Where did you get the pattern as I am looking for a windmill for something

Shari said...

another wonderful update Mylene! And your English is fine! I would not post at all if I had to use a language other than my own!!!

Debra said...

great pictures! My son loves legos too. Your finish is wonderful I am sure your neice will love it. Your English is better then mine. LOL!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful pinkeep Mylene. Your English is great, better than a few people I know in fact!

Karan said...

Love the pics Mylene - looks like the kids had a fun time. :0)
Love the pinkeep.

...back in the cold.. Holland the other day. Gonna be a while before i get back to waking up on normal hours here being at home 7 hours ahead of here. Woke ...