Friday, March 17, 2006


Last monday it wasn't that busy at work and i noticed the sudoku in one of the newspaper we have, not really for beginners but i did try and failed out. The next day, tried the one we have from the newspaper we got daily and still didn't make it. The third, our daughter Grace help me with it and yes we got it. She knows this puzzel, i think she've started doing it once in a while last year..
Yesterday, instead of stitching i was doing sudoku, not from the newspaper but a bought puzzel book. And it does took lots of time too....i'm hooked!

I have a little boy here this morning, son of our neigbour. He does come here often on a friday morning, while his parents at work, that is when i am home. He will be two years old this coming summer and soooo chatty. He's playing with the lego's and he's crazy of winnie the pooh. Now i remember, his mom had asked if i will stitch a winnie the pooh fo him. Their eldest son, he's now five, when he was the same age as his brother Raymon he was crazy with the Teletubbies, so i stitched a pic for him for his second birthday. Might do the same with Raymon.

I stitched this one the other day for a quilt, just the backstitching to do and will be on it's way to the U.S. Hopefully, will be done tonight.

Thanks Von, Dawn & heather for dropping by. When it gets really warm during summer we are ussually at the beach. Did tried before to do some stitching but with the small kids to look after, it doesn't work.

1 comment:

Von said...

Hi Mylene!
My dh loves the sudoku puzzles too. He even has them on his Palm Pilot so he can work them while he's waiting at appointments. I'd rather have a good crossword puzzle. :D

...back in the cold.. Holland the other day. Gonna be a while before i get back to waking up on normal hours here being at home 7 hours ahead of here. Woke ...