Friday, February 10, 2006


And this one is a SAL from Dragonfly Stitches, design by Kristine Herber. She just presented the chart last wednesday. I stitched it within three days. This will be finished into a needlebook. Here comes my problem as i've never done one before and i cannot sew at all. She've given the instruction so i will ask a friend to help me with the sewing or maybe i can do it by hand??
Yes, i've been stitching a lot lately to keep my mind occupied, just lots of things bothers me these days.

Also done one rr, the smallest of the three and not too complicated. Charts were provided and this one of Merry Heart Designs.

Two blocks done for the month of February and March. I am glad to be ahead with these blocks.


Elizabeth Braun said...

Woah! Great work there, Mylene!

Don't worry about sewing. If you can stitch, you can sew too, the principle is very much the same.=) Yup, do it by hand. I find that sewing machines and I hate each other with a passion and they fly into a temper at the sight of me! I do all my finishing off by hand. Can't wait to see this one done. I'll be watching out for it!=)


Von said...

I think you'll do great sewing it up by hand, Mylene! Try to find a time when you won't have any interruptions so you can set it all up and work on it.
Stitching can be a tonic in times of stress...creating something of beauty for the soul!

Lelia said...

Good job on the needlebook stitching. Looking forward to seeing it all 'finished'

Happy Valentine's Day : )

...back in the cold.. Holland the other day. Gonna be a while before i get back to waking up on normal hours here being at home 7 hours ahead of here. Woke ...