Saturday, February 25, 2006

Spring is in the air.....not!!!!!

Here's to end the spring break for the kids. This item is off 'Brittercups designs'. Still don't know why they called it spring break at this time of year....when the temperature is nearly to freezing point....

Yesterday afternoon we picked up a few of their friends and then went to the an indoor playground just here on the island. It's friday which means change over for tourist so it was not so busy.

Chris been to the hairdresser this morning and WOW!!!! He sure love's it! and was difficult to let him go and wash it before going to bed a while ago.<

Oh yes, Elisabeth the birth card is for Petra. Still haven't heard if she receive it, just hope she did. She's probably very busy with James.


Elizabeth Braun said...

Hope that washes out!!!!!!=)

I love the design too. Love spring as well. Can't wait to see the spring flowers in all their glory soon and share them with a dear friend. Sigh! What a good mood I'm in today. Hope it lasts!!!!!!


Dawn T. said...

I love the design!

Anne S said...

Hahahahaha, I just LOVE Chris' haircut and colour - just too gorgeous for words!! Really put a smile on my face :D

...back in the cold.. Holland the other day. Gonna be a while before i get back to waking up on normal hours here being at home 7 hours ahead of here. Woke ...