Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Spring break for the children

Both Chris and Grace are in a chess club which they goes every monday evening. Last sunday, there was a chess competition between the youngster's group here in Texel, a group from Den Helder and Schagen. It was held here on the island so both groups came over here. Chris and Grace joined in for Texel. The youngster's from Schagen got more points, so they are the winners!
The last picture with their medals for joining in, Grace and their nephew Jeroen and Chris.

Monday, went to work and children are on spring break so Kees had to work home.

Today, i'm free so i slept in a bit as it was very busy at work yesterday and came home quite late. After lunch, i took Chris to the gym where a few activities were organised for the children here in the village. This a pic with his friends.
Grace had to stay home for some homework she has to make for school. It wasn't fair for her but she've been putting it off and when her father confronted her yesterday about it she hasn't done anything yet and been ussually with one of her friends.

I did stitch but it's not much to show off so no stitching picture, oh wait......... i had done a newborn card before the weekend...here's the pic of it. Hope it was already received by now.


Von said...

Spring break already?! It's not even spring yet, lol!! Ours will be the first week of April. The kids look like they're having fun. Poor Grace having to stay home this afternoon - hope she learned a lesson. :)

Elizabeth Braun said...

It's half term here too, but that just means lots of kids around in general for me as we haven't got any of our own!

Is the card for Petra??

Chiara said...

It's lovely!!!

Dawn T. said...

My kids start spring break in two weeks. Your card is cute!

...back in the cold..

...to Holland the other day. Gonna be a while before i get back to waking up on normal hours here being at home 7 hours ahead of here. Woke ...