Monday, November 05, 2007

Arbre Sampler

As i said with my post last night that i am a bit fed up with stitching x'mas themes, i started this Sampler which i've printed out from
Anne's freebies
before. I've mentioned finishing it in a day or two but that's what i've manage to do last night and having worked today and came home quite late and soo tired i am not in the mood for stitching anymore.

Thanks so much for all the nice comments regarding my christmas stitched pieces.


Anonymous said...

Hi Mylene, Looks great so far, it's a lovely pattern. Sandy P.

Wanda said...

Love the pattern I need to check out that site very nice!!

Kim said...

I love this pattern as well. When I'm done here I am off to the site.

Kim P in MO

Lillie said...

That's a lovely pattern indeed.

glenda said...

great start, Mylene!

Shari said...

you have a wonderful start Mylene! It looks great!

Dawn B. said...

I like the new start.

January & February ornaments

The january ornament was a freebie years back at The Floss is not available anymore as a freebie but i think it can be ordered at he...