Friday, November 02, 2007

Free to good home..

I subscribe to a couple of cross stitch magazine from the U.K for a few years now and sometimes they have free charts enclosed or small kit like these ones. I came across a few while browsing these afternoon and i think i'd better give/send it to somebody who would love to stitch it.
I'd thought at first to send it as a RAK but i am not sure if that someone would really like it.
Just leave a comment or send an e-mail to me and if it's more than one who would like it then i have to make a draw.

A picture of the indside of the booklet. Sorry for the quality of the taken pictures, i think i will try it on daylight if needed.

Edited: The kitty kit will go to Dawn. Please let me know your address Dawn.
And the rest goes to Maribel..can you send me your address??


Dawn B. said...

Thous are some cute patterns & think I like the Kitty the best.

Anonymous said...

Oh, I would like to get this Freebies! They are so cute!

January & February ornaments

The january ornament was a freebie years back at The Floss is not available anymore as a freebie but i think it can be ordered at he...