Thursday, November 29, 2007

Not much of a good news...

Not so much of a good news with this post, though i've finished stitching the name of Chris with the football alphabet which i wanted to make it into a pillow but couln't find a fabric that will match the theme. I've been to a craft shop and a quilt shop here on the island but they don't have any with sports theme on it. I think i have to find a plain colour to use but i am afraid i don't have time anymore to complete it before saturday, his birthday. Atleast i've finished a card for him and will give the pillow when it's finish.

Another down moment for me is my cholesterol. For years now i am taking medicine to lower my cholesterol so have to be check every now and then. It was nearly a year since the last time i've been for blood test and now i've lost weight and been for a blood test expecting 'my cholesterol is near to the normal but unfortunately it went up compare to my last check up. Now, i am adviced to consult a dieticien but i said i will try first to really see what i can do with my food intake. Í did it with the dieting but didn't really consider the cholesterol.

YES, i lost 4 kilos after seven weeks and reach my ideal weight for my size. Atleast i am very happy for that! My weight 53 kilos and height of 152cm, now to maintain it...............!!!!!!!!!
Now about the cholesterol, i've mentioned to our family doctor a few of my favorites food which are shrimps, squid, fish, beef...and he said shrimp and squid are quite bad for my cholesterol and oh i do love those. Oh well better lessen that one then!!

It's been pretty busy here, what with the dog to take care and doing some preparations for Chris Birthday. Been for groceries today but haven't got all what i need so have to go for more tomorrow. Will be doing some cooking as well as cleaning too. Whew, theres so much to do...

I remember a comment earlier about how can i let the pakages unopened, it's just that i really don't have much time and if i will open them atleast i feel a bit rested to enjoy...but i will do it soon!

The birthday boy who has been to the barber this week. A pity the colours had only stayed for a few of hours and had to be washed!

Lastly, thank you all so much for visiting and leaving comments. They are very much appreciated.


Sally said...

Chris' hair looks brilliant Mylene!

The piece you stitched for him is wonderful.

I do hope your cholesterol levels get back to near normal soon. {{{{hugs}}}}

glenda said...

Great project. Congrats on the weight loss and good luck with reducing your cholesterol!

Sandy P said...

Hi Mylene, Your pillow for Chris will be great! I also love his hair, very nice. Your doing great with the weight loss and I hope you get your cholesterol under control. I think my sister takes fish oil pills and it brought hers down really low.
Your friend, Sandy P.

Lillie said...

Congrads on your weight lost. Take care and watch what you eat, don't forget lots of vegies to your diet.

That's a 'funky(is that the word) hair' do. Cute!

Anonymous said...

Hi Mylene. I love Chris's hair, and he is really a cutie!
Congratulations on the weight loss, and I hope you'll be successful at lowering your cholesterol without medication.

Karan said...

Wow, fun hair do! Love Chris's birthday card. Have you tried Ebay for fabrics? There are some lovely sports ones on the UK site.
Well done on the weight loss - fingers crossed you do as well with your cholesterol level. :0)

monique said...

Hi mylene,
I just received your beautiful christmas ornament and all the other lovely things.
The ornament is so LOVELY. Thank you very, very much.I can't make photo's now because it's too dark but I will make some tomorrow and then I post them on the blog. Again, thank you very , very much.
I just have took a fast look at your blog and it's a very nice one. I will look around some more.
Have a lovely weekend.

anna s. said...

Sorry to hear about your worries... I too have high cholesterol but my weight is more of a pressing issue to me. Chris looks fabulous!!

Anonymous said...

Good luck on reducing your cholesterol. I also have that problem & my doctor is giving me until January to get it down or she'll put me on medication. Love Chris' hair color - just too cute. And your stitching for Chris is really wonderful. I'm sure he will treasure it when it's completed.
Barb in TX

January & February ornaments

The january ornament was a freebie years back at The Floss is not available anymore as a freebie but i think it can be ordered at he...